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Over 100,000 properties in the system.

Our Mission

Our mission is simple: Connect properties to their comps for the fastest market surveys on the planet. We believe your time is incredibly valuable, so this platform has been designed to give you real time market information.

Are you puzzled about Market Surveys?

A new era is upon us. After everything our species has gone through, we found ourselves born into the information age. It’s an interesting time to be alive; We can travel around the world faster than ever, food & drink is a matter of preference rather than survival, and our cars now have more computing power than it took to put man on the moon. The only unfortunate characteristics of this age come through the words of Donny Miller: “In the age of information, ignorance is a choice”. Though some might prefer the stone age, the dark ages, or simply the days before computers, it is our responsibility to set the foundation for the next age in human progression. Luckily people still need places to live, so the apartment industry remains strong. But, our industry finds itself lagging behind in the information age. So how do we bring it up to speed?

The antiquated process currently in place desperately needs a makeover. We call properties week in and week out trying make sure our community rents are competitive to our market. It’s a tedious and repetitive process. We call and call and call. There has to be a better way, in an age where a quick search can get you information on anything, right?

The short answer is, yes. There is a tool, and it is becoming simpler…

Online Market Surveys (OMS).

The long answer is also, yes.

It is time to transition from the age of calling and chasing, to the age of selecting and printing.
Don’t waste your time being puzzled, solve it, with the online market survey.

Company Information

This platform has been developed by property management for property management.

In 2003 a letter was received, by a small apartment owner, from the local apartment association. In the envelope was a blank market survey requesting apartment information. Upon receiving the request, this owner spent over 45 minutes updating the different floor plans, rents, and occupancies. The form was mailed back to be included in the market survey report, no copies were made. After about 6 months, another blank form was received. A light bulb moment occurred for this owner. There had to be a better way. Fast forward 2 years and the original Online Market Survey platform was born.

Join the Nation's Largest
Online Market Survey Network

It's Patented! - It's Free

MyRentComps Support

Email: Support@MyRentComps.com
Tel: (855) 206-3791
E-fax: (866) 206-5930

Participating Apartment Associations
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